Saturday, October 25, 2008

I have FINALLY found out how I am going to vote!!

As a "conservative" I am neither republican nor democrat. Even though I sway more (thank heavens!) to the republican party then the dems! but this year we are faced to pick the lesser of two evils. so I had a "light-bulb" go off the other day on how I was going to vote. I was reading a pamphlet that came in the mail the other day for republican voters...and I noticed this one guy, and I thought to myself...."damn...this guys pretty good lookin...even with peppered-gray hair, and blue eyes". I looked at another republican dude runnin' and I thought "not bad...not as good as him, but not bad" and then I took a look at the democrat runnin for the same position and I thought, "this guy is NOT good lookin AT ALL!!". and then the light bulb went off!! I will vote for the better lookin!! now I know this sounds insane...but why the hell not!!! We did it in High why not now! *And as a side note...have u noticed that the those in the republican party are wayyyy better lookin then those that are democrat! I am sooo being serious on this one!!* that leaves me with voting for the better lookin'.

McCain....or Obama???
........ hmmmmm.......

.im not feelin' for any of these oldies!!
SSCHNAPP!!!! I guess I'm not voting at all!!!!

....could I vote from the VP canidates???

hands down....
IT IS!!!!

now go out and VOTE!!! :P
just don't screw it up!!

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